Friday, November 30, 2007

Winter's Here

The temperature is dropping fast. Pretty soon we won't be able to see the grass, and fall will be a thing of the past. White fluffy snow will be all about and it will be hard to grill out. The ice and cold will soon take over, and then we can sled and slide all around. It is not officially winter, but winter is here. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Madison's Diversity

I think Madison, Wisconsin is not as diverse as it is said to be. When I can go out and not be judged by my skin color, but by my character, knowledge, and ethics. This truly hurts to be treated different because I was born darker. It hurts to be stereotyped into some negative category because of the hue of my skin. I love being my race and I am proud to be me. We are blessed to be here in America. We have been through slavery, wars and terrible, humility. When will we ever be free?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Law and Order

One of my favorite t.v. programs is Law and Order. I like the drama and excitement of the show. I like to watch the detectives work their street savvy and ballistics's to help solve a crime. It is exciting and dangerous all at once. I really like to watch as they go to court against the criminals. I am always ready to watch an episode of law and order, its awesome.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

War in Iraq

Why are we at war? Are we fighting for oil, gas, or land? I don't know actually the reason why. I do know that too many lives are being lost. Destruction and death is what these soldiers and Iraqi's see everyday. It is a very sad situation we are in now. Young soldiers and civilians are dying and getting maimed. I pray for a end to this travesty soon. Bring our soldiers home and stop the fighting. Iraq has seemed to be at their own war for years. Let them deal with their own mess of oil and gas. Our soldiers need to come on home and never see the chaos in Iraq again.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I looked up white in the dictionary and it was the opposite of black. White is pure and associated with everything good. The two definitions were mind boggling to me. It hurt my feelings to see this, but that is just the way it is.


I looked up black in the dictionary and DID NOT like what I had seen. The definition was very demeaning. Black seems to be everything bad. I do not want to be called black, it is very negative to me. I am not going to mark black on applications any longer.